RPT Parameters#

This subsection contains the general information required for the photon count calculation using a Monte Carlo technique

subsection rpt parameters
  set particle positions file          = positions_diagonal.particle
  set verbosity                        = verbose
  set export counts                    = true
  set counts file                      = counts_diagonal.csv
  set monte carlo iteration            = 100000
  set random number seed               = 0
  set reactor height                   = 0.3
  set reactor radius                   = 0.1
  set peak-to-total ratio              = 0.4
  set sampling time                    = 1
  set gamma-rays emitted               = 2
  set attenuation coefficient detector = 21.477
  • particle positions file: Filename of the file with a set of particle positions inside the reactor.

  • verbosity: Enable with verbose to show photon counts numbers results in realtime in terminal

    Options: quiet (by default) or verbose

  • export counts: Enable to export photon counts numbers in a file

    Options: true or false (by default)

  • counts file: Filename of export counts file (.csv or .dat)

    Options: Any text file with .csv or .dat extension (default value: counts.csv )

  • monte carlo iteration: Defines the number of traced gamma-rays from each particle position to the detector within the defined solid angle

    Options: Any positive integer (default value: 1)

  • random number seed: Seed number for the random number generator, using a particular number allows to run the same series of numbers

    Options: Any positive integer (default value: std::time(nullptr))

  • reactor height: Height of the cylindrical reactor vessel [m]

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 0.1)

  • reactor radius: Radius of the cylindrical reactor vessel [m]

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 0.1)

The following parameters are variables in the gamma-ray Monte-Carlo model from Beam et al. (1978) [1]:

  • peak-to-total ratio: The proportion of the events appearing in the full energy peak to the total number of events []

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 1)

  • sampling time: The amount of time for which the RPT hardware records the photon count at each position [s]

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 1)

  • gamma-rays emitted: Number of gamma-rays emitted by each disintegration []

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 1)

  • attenuation coefficient detector: Total linear attenuation of light coefficient of the detector []

    Options: Any positive float (default value: 1)
