Tracer in Static Mixer#
In this example, we extend the 3D Static Mixer Using RBF Sharp Immersed Boundary example using a passive tracer to quantify the mixing profile.
We inject two phases through a static mixer to verify how geometry affects their mixing.
Transient problem
Tracer physics
Accelerated transient auxiliary physics resolution with
initial condition.
Files Used in this Example#
All mentioned files are found in the example’s folder (examples/multiphysics/tracer-in-static-mixer
Parameter file for solving the flow:
;Parameter file for solving the tracer transport:
;Composite geometry file:
;RBF geometry file:
. The extension is.output
because it was named from a bitpit perspective. RBF preparation was done in the previous 3D Static Mixer Using RBF Sharp Immersed Boundary example, based on this surface grid from Thingiverse [1] under CC BY 4.0;Python post-processing script:
Description of the Case#
In this example, we use the auxiliary tracer physics to quantify the mixing of two fluids in a static mixer. We assume the flow is steady. Hence, we use a two-step simulation, consisting of:
Simulating the transient flow with a small
time step
until the flow has reached the steady state;Simulate the flow of the tracer with a larger
time step
while reusing the computed velocity field from the previous simulation.
This strategy reduces the computational cost of the simulation as the fluid flow solution is reused in the second step.
Parameter File#
Simulation 1: Flow resolution#
Simulation control#
subsection simulation control
set method = bdf1
set time end = 40e-4
set time step = 1e-4
set adapt = false
set output path = ./output/
set output name = output
set output control = iteration
set output frequency = 5
We use a bdf1
time integration scheme with a short time step = 1e-4
\(\text{s}\). After time end = 40e-4
\(\text{s}\), we consider that the velocity field has reached a steady state. According to 3D Static Mixer Using RBF Sharp Immersed Boundary, the pressure drop varies by less than \(5\) % in the range [30, 40] \(\text{s}\).
We use Lethe’s checkpoint/restart mechanism to feed the steady-state flow information to the second step of the simulation.
subsection restart
set checkpoint = true
set frequency = 5
set filename = restart
set restart = false
We checkpoint
the simulation at every 5
time steps, both for safety (each time step takes a long time to complete) and for reuse in the second simulation.
Both fluid dynamics
and tracer
are enabled for the first simulation to ensure initialization of the tracer
field. However, the tracer injection only begins at the second step.
subsection multiphysics
set fluid dynamics = true
set tracer = true
Physical Properties#
In this case we consider that we have a passive tracer in water. The units used for the presented case are \(\text{cm}\), \(\text{s}\), and \(\text{g}\).
subsection physical properties
subsection fluid 0
set kinematic viscosity = 0.01
set tracer diffusivity model = immersed solid tanh
subsection immersed solid tanh
set tracer diffusivity inside = 1e-10
set tracer diffusivity outside = 1e-5
set thickness = 5e-1
tracer diffusivity model
isimmersed solid tanh
. This model is used inlethe-fluid-sharp
for tracer flow percolating immersed solids.The
tracer diffusivity outside
\(\text{cm²/s}\), as this is a typical value for a passive tracer in a liquid.The
tracer diffusivity inside
is set to1e-10
\(\text{cm²/s}\). The low value prevents diffusivity inside the solid while providing numerical stability (\(> 0\)).The
\(\text{cm}\). At the scale of the problem, this provides a smooth transition without generating oscillations between liquid and solid phases. The thickness is of the order of magnitude of the smallest cell length to restrict the transition to one cell thickness.
Tracer Boundary Conditions#
subsection boundary conditions tracer
set number = 6
set time dependent = true
subsection bc 0
set id = 0
set type = dirichlet
subsection dirichlet
set Function expression = if(y<0,t<11?0:(t<61?1:0),0)
subsection bc 1
set id = 1
set type = outlet
subsection bc 2
set id = 2
set type = outlet
subsection bc 3
set id = 3
set type = outlet
subsection bc 4
set id = 4
set type = outlet
subsection bc 5
set id = 5
set type = outlet
We use
time dependent
boundary conditions, defined at \(y<0\) and \(11 < t < 61\) to inject a pulse on the lower half of the inlet.All other boundary conditions are
. This condition is natural for the outlet of the problem. For lateral walls, this condition represents an impermeable wall since velocity is perpendicular.
subsection post-processing
set verbosity = verbose
set calculate average velocities = true
set initial time for average velocity = 30e-4
# Tracer post-processing
set calculate tracer flow rate = true
set tracer flow rate name = tracer_flow_rate
calculate average velocities
is enabled, beginning atinitial time = 30e-4
\(\text{s}\). This means that the last \(25\%\) of the first simulation will be used to calculate the time-averaged fluid velocity profile.calculate tracer flow rate
is enabled to provide data for mixing quantification.
Simulation 2: Tracer transport#
In the second simulation, we reuse the velocity profile from the first simulation and simply transport the passive tracer. This allows us to increase the time step and duration of the simulation while keeping realistic velocity and pressure solutions.
Simulation control#
subsection simulation control
set method = bdf1
set time end = 500
set time step = 10
We use a longer
time step
\(\text{s}\).We simulate until
time end = 500
\(\text{s}\) to allow the tracer to flow through the entire length of the domain.
We enable the restart
from the previous simulation.
subsection restart
set restart = true
We disable fluid dynamics
, as we use the time-averaged velocity profile from the previous simulation.
subsection multiphysics
set fluid dynamics = false
set tracer = true
Initial conditions#
We use average_velocity_profile
from the previous simulation as the initial (and persistent) condition for the fluid dynamics. Since this physics is disabled, the velocity and pressure profiles will remain fixed throughout the simulation.
subsection initial conditions
set type = average_velocity_profile
Running the Simulation#
As previously mentionned, the case is run in two steps:
Simulation to reach a pseudo steady-state of the flow field;
Transient simulation to transport tracer through the domain.
The simulation can be launched on multiple cores using mpirun
and the lethe-fluid-sharp
executable. Using 6 CPU cores and assuming that the lethe-fluid-sharp
executable is within your path, the simulation can be launched by typing:
The following movie shows the flow of the tracer through the static mixer, both as a colored slice and colored streamlines:
The tracer evolution through the inlet and outlet can be monitored by plotting their values in time, extracted from /output/tracer_flow_rate.dat
. The Python script
generates the following plot:
As the Figure shows, the concentration of the tracer flattens as it flows. The gap between between the inlet and outlet peaks is of \(170\) \(\text{s}\). When compared to the theoretical time of \(150\) \(\text{s}\) (\(d_x/u_x\), with \(d_x\) the domain length and \(u_x\) the inlet velocity), this difference can be explained by retention effects and the tortuous paths that the tracer travels through.