Non-linear Solver#

The Navier-Stokes equations (and others) are non-linear equations. The parameters in subsection non-linear solver, whose default values are given in the text block below, control the non-linear solver used within Lethe. Lethe supports different physics (fluid dynamics, VOF, heat transfer, cahn hilliard and tracer) and it is possible to specify non-linear solver parameters for each of them. The VOF algebraic interface reinitialization subequation has also its own subsection.

In the example below, only fluid dynamics is shown but the same block can be used for other physics.

subsection non-linear solver
  subsection fluid dynamics
    # Non-linear solver that will be used
    set solver                       = newton

    # State whether information from the non-linear solver should be printed
    set verbosity                    = verbose

    # For the inexact_newton solver, sets the tolerance to re-assemble the Jacobian matrix
    set matrix tolerance             = 0.1

    # For the inexact_newton solver, carry jacobian matrix over to the new non-linear problem
    set reuse matrix                 = false

    # For the newton solver, it allows to reuse the preconditioner for the non linear iterations
    set reuse preconditioner         = false

    # For the kinsol_newton solver
    set kinsol_strategy              = line_search

    # Newton solver tolerance
    set tolerance                    = 1e-6

    # Tolerance for the acceptation of the step
    set step tolerance               = 0.9

    # Maximum number of Newton Iterations
    set max iterations               = 10

    # Number of digits displayed when showing residuals
    set residual precision           = 4

    # State if the RHS must be calculated at the beginning of every newton iteration
    set force rhs calculation        = false

    # Force the simulation to stop and throw an error if a non-linear solution has failed to converge
    set abort at convergence failure = false
  • The solver parameter enables to choose the nonlinear solver used. Currently, Lethe supports three non-linear solvers:
    • newton solver (default parameter value), a Newton-Raphson solver which recalculates the Jacobian matrix at every iteration (see the Theory Documentation).

    • inexact_newton solver, a Newton-Raphson solver where the Jacobian matrix is reused between iterations.
      • matrix tolerance parameter sets the tolerance to re-assemble the Jacobian matrix. If the residual after a newton step \(<\) matrix tolerance \(\times\) the previous residual, that iteration is considered sufficient and the Newton iteration will keep using the same jacobian matrix.

      • Setting reuse matrix = true enables the usage of the same Jacobian matrix for the following non-linear problem.


    The inexact_newton solver, along with reuse matrix = true can be worthwhile in transient simulations with a small time-step. The goal is to seek a compromise between the cost of assembling the matrix and the preconditioner versus the cost of solving the linear system of equations.

    • kinsol_newton solver, that uses the Newton-Raphson solver through deal.II, as implemented in the Sundials library. This solver has an internal algorithm that decides whether to reassemble the Jacobian matrix or not. This non-linear solver is still being tested.
      • kinsol strategy parameter enables to choose the strategy that will be used by the kinsol newton solver, and can be line_search (default value), normal_newton, fixed_point or picard.

  • The verbosity option enables the display of the residual at each non-linear iteration, to monitor the progress of the non-linear iterations.


The residual should decrease rapidly between Newton iterations. Example of a set verbosity = verbose output:

Newton iteration: 0  - Residual:  429.541
                alpha = 1      res = 0.3705
Newton iteration: 1  - Residual:  0.3705
                alpha = 1      res = 0.0001044
Newton iteration: 2  - Residual:  0.0001044
                alpha = 1      res = 1.12e-08
Newton iteration: 3  - Residual:  1.12e-08
                alpha = 1      res = 1.547e-12
  • The step tolerance parameter controls how much the L2 norm of the residual must decrease to proceed to the next non-linear step. If the new_residual\(<\) old_residual\(\times\) step tolerance, then a Newton iteration is accepted. If this condition is not reached, then a relaxation of the step is applied (increasing the alpha parameter, as printed on the terminal if set verbosity = verbose) until this condition is reached.

  • The tolerance parameter controls the value under which the residual must be to proceed to the next iteration.


The tolerance parameter is directly linked to the numerical convergence of the simulation, but also to the computational cost (number of Newton iteration).

For simple simulations, the tolerance can be set quite low, for instance set tolerance = 1e-12. However, such a tolerance can be impossible to attain for more complex simulations : the step tolerance of the non-linear solver can be increased, for instance set tolerance = 1e-4

  • The max iterations parameter sets a hard limit to the number of Newton iterations, even if the tolerance is not reached.


Be careful to always set an absolute tolerance for the linear solver that is below the tolerance of the non-linear solver. Otherwise, you might find that it is impossible to converge because the linear system of equation is solved with insufficient accuracy.

  • The residual precision parameter enables to change the number of digits displayed when showing residuals (with set verbosity = verbose).

  • The force_rhs_calculation: Force RHS recalculation at the beginning of every non-linear steps, This is required if there is a fixed point component to the non-linear solver that is changed at the beginning of every newton iteration. This is notably the case of the sharp edge method. The default value of this parameter is false.

  • The abort at convergence failure allows the user to stop the simulation and throw an error if the non-linear solver has failed to converge. Setting abort at convergence failure = true will enable this feature. This is generally useful when launching a large batch of simulation to quickly identify which one have failed.

  • The reuse preconditioner = true allows the simulation to use the same preconditioner between Newton iterations when using the Newton solver. This can reduce the overall time depending on the problem, and it is especially useful for the lethe-fluid-matrix-free application.