Simulation Control#

This subsection contains the general information of the simulation, including the time integration method and the general output names. It is the most commonly modified section for a simulation.


A standard convention in Lethe is to keep this section at the top of the parameter file, since it is generally the most accessed one.

See also

For further understanding about the numerical method used and advanced parameters, the interested reader is referred to the Theory Documentation.

subsection simulation control
  # Time-stepping method
  set method                       = steady

  # Steady-state simulation parameters
  # Number of mesh adaptation
  set number mesh adapt            = 0

  # Tolerance at which the simulation is stopped
  set stop tolerance               = 1e-10

  # BDF scheme parameters
  # Method used to startup high order BDF methods
  set bdf startup method           = multiple step bdf

  # Scaling factor used in the iterations necessary to startup the BDF schemes
  set startup time scaling         = 0.4

  # Transient simulations parameters
  # End time value of the simulation
  set time end                     = 1

  # Time step value
  set time step                    = 1

  # Adaptative time-stepping
  set adapt                        = false

  # Maximum CFL value
  set max cfl                      = 1

  # Maximum time step value
  set max time step                = 1e6

  # Adaptative time step scaling
  set adaptative time step scaling = 1.1

  # Log file parameters
  # Log frequency
  set log frequency                = 1

  # Display precision when writing to log
  set log precision                = 6

  # Output file parameters
  # File output path
  set output path                  = ./

  # File output prefix
  set output name                  = out

  # The control for the output of the simulation results
  set output control               = iteration

  # Output frequency
  set output frequency             = 1

  # Output time
  set output time                  = 1

  # Output time interval
  set output time interval         = 1, 1.7e308

  # Maximum number of vtu output files
  set group files                  = 1

  # Output the boundaries of the domain along with their ID
  set output boundaries            = false

  # Subdivision of mesh cell in postprocessing
  set subdivision                  = 1
  • method: time-stepping method used. The available options are:
    • steady: steady-state simulation

    • steady_bdf: steady-state simulation using adjoint time stepping with a bdf1 scheme

    • bdf1: 1st order backward differentiation

    • bdf2: 2nd order backward differentiation

    • bdf3: 3rd order backward differentiation

  • number mesh adapt: number of mesh adaptations during the steady-sate simulation

  • stop tolerance: tolerance at which the adjoint time stepping steady state simulation (method = steady_bdf) stops.


The adjoint time stepping will stop when the \(\mathcal{L}_2\) norm of the initial residual is lower than stop tolerance at the start of a non-linear solution step.

  • bdf startup method: scheme used to start a high order bdf scheme (2nd order and above). The available options are:
    • multiple step bdf

    • initial solution

  • startup time scaling: scaling factor used in the iterations necessary to startup the BDF schemes

  • time end: value of the time to end the transient simulation

  • time step: value of the time step

  • adapt: controls if adaptive time-stepping is enabled. If set to true, the time-step will evolve to ensure that the max cfl value is reached.

  • max cfl: maximum value of the \(\text{CFL}\) condition that can be reached during the simulation. This parameter is only used when set adapt = true.

  • max time step: maximum time step value that can be reached during the simulation. This parameter is only used when set adapt = true. It is useful when the problem of interest has an additional time step constraint such as the capillary time step limit described in Capillary Wave.

  • adaptative time step scaling: rate of increase of the time step value. The new time step value is fixed by adaptative time step scaling * previous value of the time step

  • log frequency: frequency at which information is written in terminal

  • log precision: number of significant digits used when writting in terminal

  • output path: directory for the output files


Lethe will not automatically create the directory specified in output path, it must exists prior to launching the simulation.

  • output name: prefix for the Paraview output files (.pvd / .vtu)


Lethe saves the simulation results in the Paraview format: .vtu for one iteration, and .pvd files linking all iterations together. Use the open-source Software Paraview to visualize them.

  • output control: control for the output of the simulation results. The available options are:
    • iteration: results will be outputted at constant iteration frequency

    • time : results will be outputted at constant time

  • output frequency: controls after which number of iterations the .pvd / .vtu results are written. This parameter is only used when set output control = iteration.


If set output frequency = 0, no .pvd / .vtu file will be written.

If the output frequency is set at a higher number than the total number of iterations in the simulation, the startup iteration will still be outputted.

  • output time: controls the time when the .pvd / .vtu results are written. This parameter is only used when set output control = time.

  • output time interval: Only writes the .pvd / .vtu files when the simulation time is within the closed interval defined by the output time interval. Default values are 0s and 1.7e308s.

  • group files: number of .vtu files generated in a parallel simulation


This parameter allows to reduce the number of files generated when the simulation is run with a large number of processors. set group files = 1 ensures that a single .vtu file will be generated. In this case, the file is written using MPI IO functionalities.

The value for this parameter should always be a compromise between keeping a low number of files but preventing excessive MPI communications. We have found that the default value of 1 does not have a significant impact on performance on Compute Canada clusters.


However, as soon as the size of the output .vtu file reaches 1 Gb, it is preferable to start splitting them into multiple smaller files as this may lead to corrupted files on some file systems.

  • output boundaries: controls if the boundaries of the domain are written to a file. This will write additional .vtu files made of the contour of the domain.


This is particularly useful for the visualisation of 3D flows with obstacles or objects.

  • subdivision: sub-division of the mesh cells to enable visualisation of high-order elements with Paraview.


Generally, we advise to use a subdivision level of \((n)\) for interpolation order of \(n\). For example, a Q2-Q1 interpolation could be visualized with set subdivision = 2.