Discrete Element Method (DEM)#

The discrete element method (DEM) solver in Lethe is called lethe-particles and supports two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulations. In simulation_control, the general simulation parameters (for example, time-step, end time, etc.) are defined. timer and test sections are used for timing the classes and functions, and testing the reproducibility of the results. In model parameters, we define the simulation models, including particle-particle and particle-wall contact models. lagrangian physical properties defines the physical properties of the particles and walls. Insertion information including the dimensions of the insertion box, insertion frequency, etc. are defined in the insertion info section. The``mesh`` section defines the simulation triangulation and refinements. In the DEM boundary conditions section, boundaries can be defined as outlets or they can get periodicity, rotation or translation. In the floating walls section, hyperplanes can be added to the simulation domain. In the solid objects section, surface meshes can defined and their motion can be controlled.