Running Lethe on Digital Research Alliance of Canada Clusters#

Setting-up the Folder Structure#

In your $HOME, create a “dealii” folder and a “lethe” folder, each containing “build” and “inst” folders:

mkdir -p {dealii,lethe}/{build,inst}

The deal.II and Lethe projects can then be cloned in their corresponding folders, as indicated later in this tutorial.

After installation is complete, the folder structure will be, for deal.II (and likewise for Lethe):

  • $HOME/dealii/dealii for deal.ii git,

  • $HOME/dealii/build for compilation (cmake command),

  • $HOME/dealii/inst for installation (make install command)

Folders can be open with the cd command (cd $folder_path).

For the sake of clarity, this is the folder structure considered for the rest of this tutorial.

Installing deal.II#

On Niagara, Beluga, Narval, Graham or Cedar#

All operations must be performed on login nodes.

Load Trilinos, Parmetis and P4est, and their prerequisite modules and set the appropriate environment variables:

module load CCEnv #if on Niagara
module load StdEnv/2023
module load trilinos/15.1.1
module load parmetis/4.0.3
module load muparser/2.3.4
module load p4est/2.8.6
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EBROOTIMKL//mkl/2023.2.0/lib/intel64/

export DEAL_II_DIR=$HOME/dealii/inst/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/lethe/inst/bin/

Then, we can clone and compile dealii. Although Lethe always supports the master branch of deal.II, we maintain an identical deal.II fork on the lethe repository. This fork is always tested to make sure it works with lethe. To clone the deal.II fork github repository, execute in $HOME/dealii directory:

git clone

We can compile dealii in the $HOME/dealii/build folder, by defining the paths to installation folders of Trilinos, Parmetis and P4est. To increase the speed of this step, we skip dealii tests and compile in release mode only.



If you are using Niagara, you can add -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=skylake-avx512" to enable AVX-512 instructions.


ninja -j10 install

The argument -jX specifies the number of processors used for the compilation. On login nodes, a maximum of 10 cores should be used in order to ensure that other users can continue using the cluster without slowdowns.

Installing Lethe#

After installing deal.II, compiling Lethe is relatively straightforward, especially since all of these clusters share a very similar environment. To compile Lethe, the Trilinos, Parmetis and P4est modules should be loaded.

In the $HOME/lethe directory, download Lethe:

git clone --single-branch

To install Lethe in the $HOME/lethe/inst directory (applications will be in inst/bin), run in the $HOME/lethe/build directory:

cmake ../lethe  -DDEAL_II_DIR=$HOME/dealii/inst -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../inst -G Ninja
ninja -j10 install

Installing Numdiff to Enable Tests#

You will need to have numdiff installed to enable the test suite, otherwise you will have an error at the cmake step of Lethe’s installation when using -DBUILD_TESTING=ON, stating that this module is missing. To install the package manually use the following steps:

  1. Download the compressed folder (ex/ numdiff-5.9.0.tar.gz)

  2. Unzip it

  3. Copy it with scp -r to your Compute Canada account on the chosen cluster (see Copying Local Files section)

  4. In the numdiff folder on the cluster, execute:

  5. Add it to your path environment:


Copying Local Files#

On Linux, use scp (for secure copy) to copy needed files for the simulation (prm, msh):

scp /home/path/in/your/computer/*.prm

If you need to copy a folder, use scp -r.

Simulation files must be in scratch. To get the address of your scratch folder, in your cluster account run:


On Windows, use third-party, such as PuTTY (see the wiki page on Transferring data))

Creating a .dealii#

In order to call your deal.II local installation, it is convenient to create a .dealii file in your $HOME directory:

nano .dealii

In the nano terminal, copy-paste (with Ctrl+Shift+V):

module load CCEnv #if on Niagara
module load StdEnv/2023
module load trilinos/15.1.1
module load parmetis/4.0.3
module load muparser/2.3.4
module load p4est/2.8.6
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EBROOTIMKL//mkl/2023.2.0/lib/intel64/
export DEAL_II_DIR=$HOME/dealii/inst/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/lethe/inst/bin/
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1  # This prevents Trilinos from using multithreading, which could lead to a drop in performance.

Exit the nano mode with Ctrl+x and save the document by hitting y on the prompt “Save modify buffer?” (in the bottom). The prompt “File Name to Write: .dealii” should then appear, hit Enter.

You can then source it on the terminal with:

source $HOME/.dealii

and use it in your .sh script (see Launching simulations below).

Launching Simulations#

Simulations are sent to the scheduler via batch scripts. Visit the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (Alliance) wiki page for more information about the scheduler and running jobs. For your convenience, an example of used on Beluga is given below:

#SBATCH --account=$yourgroupaccount
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$X #number of parallel tasks (as in mpirun -np X)
#SBATCH --nodes=1 #number of whole nodes used (each with up to 40 tasks-per-node)
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #maximum time for the simulation (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH --mem=120G #memory usage per node. See cluster specification for maximal amount.
#SBATCH --job-name=$yourjobname
#SBATCH --mail-type=END #email preferences
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-user=$

source $HOME/.dealii
srun $HOME/lethe/inst/bin/$lethe_application_name_wanted $parameter_file_name.prm

The job is sent using:


Status can be followed with the sq command: under ST, PD indicates a pending job, and R a running job.

Console outputs are written in slurm-$jobID.out. For instance, to display the 20 last lines from this file, use:

tail -n 20 slurm-$jobID.out


If you need to launch multiple simulations, such as with varying parameter, feel free to adapt one of the scripts provided on lethe-utils.

Saving a SSH Key (Linux)#

To save your key on the cluster, so that it is not asked for each log or scp, generate your ssh-key with:


which defaults to an RSA key. If you want to specify the key type you want to generate (i.e. ED25519 key), type

ssh-keygen -t ed25519


ED25519 keys are preferred to RSA keys since they are more secure and performant. Seek more information in the Gitlab Documentation<>.

To upload this local key to your Compute Canada Database account (CCDB) use:



This command does not work on Niagara anymore. You may use the following:

cat ~/.ssh/$

where $ is the public key file located in ~/.ssh/. For more information, see SSH documentation.