Linear Solver#

In this subsection, the control options of the linear solvers are specified. The default values for the linear solver parameters are given in the text box below. Lethe supports different physics (fluid dynamics, VOF, heat transfer, cahn hilliard and tracer) and it is possible to specify linear solver parameters for each of them. In the example below, only fluid dynamics is used, however, the same block can be used for other physics.

See also

For further understanding about the linear solvers used, the preconditioners supported and all parameters, see the Linear Solvers theory section.

subsection linear solver
  subsection fluid dynamics
    # Iterative solver for the linear system of equations
    set method                           = gmres

    # State whether information from the linear solver should be printed
    set verbosity                        = verbose

    # Linear solver minimum residual
    set minimum residual                 = 1e-12

    # Linear solver residual
    set relative residual                = 1e-3

    # Maximum solver iterations
    set max iters                        = 1000

    # Force the linear solver to continue even if it fails
    set force linear solver continuation = false

    # Maximum number of krylov vectors for GMRES solver
    set max krylov vectors               = 100

    # Set type of preconditioner for the iterative solver
    set preconditioner                   = ilu
  • The method parameter enables to choose an iterative solver for the linear system of equations. Lethe currently supports the following core solution strategies:
    • gmres (default parameter value), a preconditioned GMRES iterative solver.

    • bicgstab, a preconditioned BICGSTAB iterative solver.

    • direct, a direct solver using TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect.


    Which solver is the most efficient for a given problem?

    • For steady-state problems (2D and 3D):
      • coarse meshes: gmres/bicgstab solver with ilu preconditioner.

      • fine meshes (from \(\sim 1\) M cells): gmres solver with amg preconditioner.

    • For transient problems, this is much more problem dependent, but generally:
      • relatively low \(\text{CFL}\) condition: gmres solver with ilu preconditioner with a low fill level, for instance set ilu preconditioner fill = 0. This applies even if the mesh is very large (\(>10\) M cells), because the transient version of the system of equations is much easier to solve.

      • large \(\text{CFL}\) condition (\(\text{CFL}>10\)) and/or very large mesh: gmres solver with amg preconditioner may become preferable.


    The use of direct solver should be in general avoided as it is not efficient for large problems. It can be, however, used for debugging purposes or the development of new features.

  • The verbosity option enables the display of the residual at each non-linear iteration, to monitor the progress of the linear iterations.

Example of a set verbosity = verbose output:

-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 0.0429541
-Iterative solver took : 11 steps
-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 3.62082e-05
-Iterative solver took : 16 steps
-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 1.05775e-08
-Iterative solver took : 17 steps
-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 1.00205e-12
-Iterative solver took : 16 steps
-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 1e-13
-Iterative solver took : 5 steps
-Tolerance of iterative solver is : 1e-13
-Iterative solver took : 0 steps

When set to extra verbose, the residual at each iteration of the linear solver is printed.

  • The minimum residual for the linear solver.

  • The relative residual for the linear solver.


A good rule of thumb is to set the linear solver minimum residual at least \(10\) times (preferably \(100\) times) smaller than the Non-linear Solver, tolerance parameter, and keep the relative residual reasonable, for instance set relative residual = 1e-3. To lower the computational cost for more complex simulations, it can be lowered to set relative residual = 1e-4.

  • The max iters puts a hard stop on the number of solver iterations (number of steps printed when set verbosity = verbose).


If max iters is reached, the code will throw this type of message:

GMRES solver failed! Trying with a higher preconditioner fill level.

meaning that the code increases the preconditioner fill (see tip on default values below) in order to converge within the number of solver iterations. If you encounter this, consider increasing the max iters or adjusting other parameters, for example increasing max krylov vectors.

  • force linear solver continuation when set to true, forces the linear solver to continue, even if the minimum residual is not reached. Only available for gmres and bicgstab solvers within the lethe-fluid application.


With this mode on, errors on the linear solver convergence are not thrown. Forcing the solver to continue can be useful for debugging purposes if a given iteration is hard to pass, but use it with caution!

  • max krylov vectors sets the maximum number of krylov vectors for gmres solver with ilu and amg preconditioners.


Consider using set max krylov vectors = 200 for complex simulations with convergence issues.

  • preconditioner sets the type of preconditioning used for the linear solver. It can be either ilu for an Incomplete LU decomposition, amg for an Algebraic Multigrid, lsmg for a Local Smoothing Multigrid, or gcmg for a Global Coarsening Multigrid.


Currently, the lethe-fluid-sharp solver makes it almost impossible to reach convergence with the amg preconditioner. Therefore, it is recommended to use ilu instead, even for fine meshes. In addition, the VOF, heat transfer, cahn hilliard and tracer physics only support ilu.


Currently, the lsmg and gcmg preconditioners can only be used within the lethe-fluid-matrix-free application.


Be aware that the setup of the amg preconditioner is very expensive and does not scale linearly with the size of the matrix. As such, it is generally preferable to minimize the number of assembly of such preconditioner. This can be achieved by using the inexact newton for the nonlinear solver (see Non-linear Solver).

  • There are two additional parameters that can be used in this subsection that only work for the lethe-fluid-matrix-free application at the moment. They allow to turn on or off the hessian terms present in the Jacobian and the residual (or right-hand side) of the Navier-Stokes problem:

set enable hessians in jacobian = true
set enable hessians in residual = true


This is useful for performance reasons, however, it highly depends on the problem being solver and must be used carefully.

In addition to the method parameters, one can also set specific parameters for each of the preconditioners by adding specific lines inside of the specific physics subsection:

ILU preconditioner#

# ILU preconditioner fill
set ilu preconditioner fill               = 0

# ILU preconditioner tolerance
set ilu preconditioner absolute tolerance = 1e-12

# ILU relative tolerance
set ilu preconditioner relative tolerance = 1.00


The default values for these parameters are good starting values.

For each iteration of the linear solver (at the beginning of which the tolerance of the iterative solver is computed, as printed if set verbosity = verbose), the chosen solver starts by using the preconditioner fill given in the parameter file. If for any reason the linear solver would have crashed, it will restart with a fill level increased by 1. This restart process will happen up to a maximum of 3 times, after which it will let the solver crash.

Hence, for complex simulations, if you get at almost every linear iteration the message:

GMRES solver failed! Trying with a higher preconditioner fill level. New fill = ...

and it does not disappear when increasing max iters, increasing the ilu preconditioner fill in the .prm file will make the computation slightly faster.

AMG preconditioner#

# AMG preconditioner ILU smoother fill
set amg preconditioner ilu fill               = 0

# AMG preconditioner ILU smoother absolute tolerance
set amg preconditioner ilu absolute tolerance = 1e-12

# AMG preconditioner ILU smoother relative tolerance
set amg preconditioner ilu relative tolerance = 1.00

# AMG aggregation threshold
set amg aggregation threshold                 = 1e-14

# AMG number of cycles
set amg n cycles                              = 1

# AMG w cycling. If this is set to true, W cycling is used. Otherwise, V cycling is used.
set amg w cycles                              = false

# AMG smoother sweeps
set amg smoother sweeps                       = 2

# AMG smoother overlap
set amg smoother overlap                      = 1

See also

For more information about the amg preconditioner parameters, the reader is referred to the deal.II documentation for the AMG preconditioner and its Additional Data.

Multigrid preconditioners#

Lethe supports two types of geometric multigrid preconditioners that only differ when dealing with locally-refined meshes:

  • Global coarsening gcmg: coarsens all cells simultaneously, i.e., each level contains all the cells at their most refined state.

  • Local smoothing lsmg: uses the refinement hierarchy to create the multigrid levels and to perform smoothing refinement level by refinement level, i.e., cells of less refined parts of the mesh are skipped.

Different parameters for the main components of the two geometric multigrid algorithms can be specified:

# General MG parameters
set mg verbosity                   = quiet
set mg min level                   = -1
set mg level min cells             = -1
set mg int level                   = -1
set mg enable hessians in jacobian = true

# Relaxation smoother parameters
set mg smoother iterations          = 10
set mg smoother relaxation          = 0.5
set mg smoother eig estimation      = false #if set to true, previous parameter is not used
set mg smoother preconditioner type = inverse diagonal

# Eigenvalue estimation parameters
set eig estimation smoothing range = 10
set eig estimation cg n iterations = 10
set eig estimation verbosity       = quiet

# Coarse-grid solver parameters
set mg coarse grid solver          = gmres
set mg coarse grid use fe q iso q1 = false

# Parameters for GMRES as coarse grid solver
set mg gmres max iterations     = 2000
set mg gmres tolerance          = 1e-14
set mg gmres reduce             = 1e-4
set mg gmres max krylov vectors = 30
set mg gmres preconditioner     = amg

# Parameters for AMG as coarse-grid solver or GMRES preconditioner
set mg amg use default parameters             = false
set amg preconditioner ilu fill               = 0
set amg preconditioner ilu absolute tolerance = 1e-12
set amg preconditioner ilu relative tolerance = 1.00
set amg aggregation threshold                 = 1e-14
set amg n cycles                              = 1
set amg w cycles                              = false
set amg smoother sweeps                       = 2
set amg smoother overlap                      = 1

# Parameters for ILU as coarse-grid solver or GMRES preconditioner
set ilu preconditioner fill               = 1
set ilu preconditioner absolute tolerance = 1e-12
set ilu preconditioner relative tolerance = 1
  • The mg verbosity parameters controls enables to display more information related to the multigrid algorithm. If it is set to verbose, the information about the levels (cells and degrees of freedom) and the number of iterations of the coarse grid solver are displayed. If this parameter is set to extra verbose, apart from all the previous information, several additional tables with the times related to multigrid are also displayed.

  • The default algorithms build and use ALL the multigrid levels. There are two ways to change the number of levels, either by setting the mg min level parameter OR the mg level min cells parameter. For lsmg the coarsest mesh should cover the whole domain, i.e., no hanging nodes are allowed.

  • The multigrid algorithms use a relaxation scheme as smoother. There are two types of preconditioners supported for this scheme: inverse diagonal and additive schwarz method. The former is cheaper than the latter one. In our experience, the first one should work fine for transient problems, while the second one is more robust in the case of challenging steady-state problems. We recommend to always use eigenvalue estimation to calculate the relaxation parameter by setting set mg smoother eig estimation = true.

  • Different coarse grid solvers are supported: direct, amg, ilu and gmres preconditioned by either amg or ilu. For all of them with exception of the direct solver there are several parameters that can be set in the corresponding section.


If your coarse-grid level is small enough, it might be worth it for some problems to set mg amg use default parameters = true to use a direct solver. On the other hand, if high order elements are used, it might be useful to set set mg coarse grid use fe q iso q1 = true to solve the coarse grid problem using FE_Q_iso_Q1 elements.


Evaluating terms involving the hessian is expensive. Therefore, one can turn on or off those terms in the mg level operators to improve performance by setting mg enable hessians in jacobian to false. This is useful for certain problems and must be used carefully.


The mg int level option only works for the gcmg preconditioner. It allows to choose an intermediate level as coarse grid solver where a GMRES preconditioned by several multigrid v-cycles is used. The following parameters: set mg gmres max iterations, set mg gmres tolerance and set mg gmres reduce can be used to set the desired number of maximum iterations, the absolute tolerance and the relative tolerance.

In addition, Lethe supports p-multigrid through the gcmg preconditioner. It can be used by specifying two additional parameters:

set mg coarsening type             = p
set mg p coarsening type           = decrease by one

This multigrid preconditioner creates the different multigrid levels by keeping the mesh constant but reducing the polynomial degree p of the shape functions. Three strategies to create the p-multigrid levels can be used by specifying the mg p coarsening type parameter:

  • bisect: half polynomial degree.

  • decrease by one: decrease the polynomial degree by one for every level.

  • go to one: decrease the polynomial degree to one directly.

In addition, Lethe supports hybrid strategies that combine h- and p-multigrid, and can be specified through the mg coarsening type parameter:

  • hp: first levels with different mesh and then levels with different degree p.

  • ph: first levels with different degree p and then levels with different mesh.