Sharp Immersed Boundary Solver#

digraph sharp_diagram {
  graph [bgcolor="transparent", align=true];
  node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=20, shape=box, fontcolor=royalblue, color=royalblue, height=1];
  edge [color=royalblue];
  size = "9,9";

  sharp_immersed_boundary_solver [label="Sharp Immersed \nBoundary", href=""];

  sharp_1 [label="Resolved CFD-DEM", href=""];

  sharp_1_1 [label="Sedimentation of One Particle", href=""];

  sharp_1_2 [label="Sedimentation of 64 Particles", href=""];

  sharp_2 [label="Incompressible Flow", href=""];

  sharp_2_1 [label="Flow around a Cylinder Using \nthe Sharp Interface Method", href="", tooltip="Flow around a cylinder using the sharp interface method"];

  sharp_2_2 [label="Non-Newtonian Flow \npast a Sphere", href="", tooltip="Non-Newtonian flow past a sphere"];

  sharp_2_3 [label="3D Mixer with Pitched-Blade \nTurbine Impeller Using Composite \nSharp-Immersed Boundary", href="", tooltip="3D Mixer with pitched-blade turbine impeller using Composite Sharp-immersed boundary"];

  sharp_2_4 [label="3D Mixer with Pitched-Blade Turbine \nImpeller Using OpenCascade \nSharp-Immersed Boundary", href="", tooltip="3D Mixer with pitched-blade turbine impeller using OpenCascade Sharp-immersed boundary"];

  sharp_2_5 [label="Inclined 3D Mixer with Pitched-Blade \nTurbine Impeller Using Composite \nSharp-Immersed Boundary", href="", tooltip="Inclined 3D mixer with pitched-blade turbine impeller using composite sharp-immersed boundary"];

  sharp_2_6 [label="3D Static Mixer \nImpeller Using RBF", href="", tooltip="3D Static Mixer \nImpeller Using RBF Sharp-immersed boundary"];

  sharp_2_7 [label="Flow Around a Finite \nCylindrical Particle Using the \nSharp Interface Method", href="", tooltop = "Flow Around a finite \ncylindrical particle using the \nsharp interface method"]

  sharp_3 [label="Geometry Definition", href=""];

  sharp_3_1 [label="Simple Plane Model From Composite", href="", tooltip="Simple Plane Model From Composite"];

  sharp_immersed_boundary_solver -> sharp_1:w;
  sharp_immersed_boundary_solver -> sharp_2:w;
  sharp_immersed_boundary_solver -> sharp_3:w;

  sharp_1 -> sharp_1_1:w;
  sharp_1 -> sharp_1_2:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_1:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_2:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_3:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_4:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_5:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_6:w;
  sharp_2 -> sharp_2_7:w;
  sharp_3 -> sharp_3_1:w;